All products are for professional use only.

By placing an order, you hereby agree to our terms and conditions.


All values of currency on this site are in Great British Pounds (GBP).
We accept PayPal and all major credit/debit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Solo (uses 128 Bit encryption via PROTX, Barclays business services). 
Venus Nail & Beauty Supplies Ltd do not store any credit/Debit card information and all credit/Debit cards payments are handled by Protx.


All transaction information passed between merchant sites and Sage Pay’s systems is encrypted using 128-bit SSL certificates. No cardholder information is ever passed unencrypted and any messages sent to your servers from Sage Pay are signed using MD5 hashing to prevent tampering. You can be completely assured that nothing you pass to Sage Pay’s servers can be examined, used or modified by any third parties attempting to gain access to sensitive information.

We are not responsible for typographical errors. Photos are for representational purposes only. Venus nails and Beauty Ltd website is provided by us without any warranties or guarantees. You must bear the risks associated with the use of the Internet. If we are informed of any inaccuracies in the material on, we will try to correct them as soon as we can.

Please note that due to the inconsistency of various monitor settings, colours may appear differently than on screen. Therefore SNS colours and swatches are for illustrative purposes only. If unsure, please ask via

Products are for professional use only. Buyers are responsible for ensuring correct usage of items. Venus Nail Supplies Ltd accepts no responsibility or liability for misuse or incorrect product use due to insufficient training or knowledge.

Please proceed with caution, and check the MSDS prior to using/purchasing products, as they may contain ingredients you are sensitive or allergic to. If in doubt, consult your doctor first.

Prices are subject to change without notice.



All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, images, digital downloads, are the property of Venus Nail & Beauty supplies Ltd and is protected by copyright laws.